Monday, July 13, 2009

Pool Time

Caroline loves her pool! She swims every day!

Magic Springs

We went to Magic Springs this weekend with Christie, Matthew, and Laura. It was sooo hot! We chose to this day because Sara Evans was singing later that night. At one point Christie and I sat in the pool fully clothed because we stand the heat any more! Caroline thought we were crazy!

Caroline feeding the huge catfish.

We are sitting in the grass waiting for Sara Evans to come out!

Caroline has finally tired out during the Sara Evans concert later that night.

Little Kitty

Caroline got a little kitty for her birthday. She named her Simba. I feel so bad for the kitty because Caroline will not put her down! She treats her like baby doll! It's really funny. The kitty is really good because she doesn't ever scratch or bite even though you can tell she doesn't like being toted around so much!

Camping Trip

We went to the lake with my family last week. Caroline had a great time. She played in the swimming area, slept in a tent, rode bikes, and even took a "dip" while we were out in the boat. She was very proud of herself!