Friday, January 28, 2011

Outside Time!!!

Finally, some nice weather! No rain, snow, or 20 degree weather. The kids and I played outside for hours this afternoon. We walked, swung, played with the kitty, and rode four wheelers. Graham was so happy to be out!

This is our new little kitty. And yes, we still call it "little kitty". No named pets here. Our other kitty only comes to visit like once a month. This is the replacement kitty.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!

Snow Day! Caroline could hardly wait to play in the snow today. She begged us to let her out to play last night in the dark. Of course, when she did get out today it didn't long before she was complaining of the wet and cold. There are a lot of pictures! I got a little carried away with my new camera....I took over 90 pictures in all. Don't worry, I didn't post all of them!

Graham dove right in! He loved it!

My little snow princess!

This is what Benjamin fashioned behind the four wheeler for the kids to ride in. Caroline decided she didn't like it so much so we just pulled Graham around.

Look at those beautiful eyes! He's such a cutie!

The building of the snowman......

I think their favorite part was eating the snow!

Happy Snow Day!